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About the Author



Cheryl Barton lives in Maryland and in her spare time she loves to read espionage, crime, and romance novels, cook, watch Sci-fi movies, craft, spend time with family and friends, and enjoy Maryland steamed crabs. In 2018, Cheryl celebrated 30 years as a government employee and loves writing romance and inspirational novels.


Cheryl is the author of multiple romance and inspirational novels and is proud of 4 book compilation projects with several other incredible women called, “One Sister Away: Encouraging Words from One Sister to Another” – a series of books meant to encourage, empower and inspire other women. People often ask Cheryl which book is her favorite of all of those she’s written. While she finds it hard to select one favorite, Cheryl still looks to her first novel, Bachelor Not for Sale, if she had to pick a favorite because it was her first novel and the one that inspired her to continue writing.


In 2014 & 2016, at the 5th and 7th years of the African American Author's Expo, Cheryl was recognized for her work as an accomplished published author, receiving a certificate and award for both years.


Cheryl was a 2018 Finalist of the Literary Trailblazer of the Year award, given by the Indie Author Legacy Awards’ yearly event.


Cheryl was a 2019 Finalist for the Emma Award given by Romance Slam Jam and a 2018 Finalist for the Literary Trailblazer of the Year award by the Indie Author Legacy Award. Cheryl is a member of the Contemporary Romance Writers where she currently serves on the board as the secretary. 













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Book Bub







An Interview with Cheryl Barton for Write 2 Be Magazine. Read about me and my writing journey in this in-depth chat.
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Check out Author and Publisher, Cheryl Barton's presentation, "Pardon Me, I'm Published", for the Black Writers' Guild of Maryland



Author Cheryl Barton is interviewed by Stephannie Solomon on her "Winning Ways" podcast for Women's Month. Check it out here 


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